Sunday, January 26, 2020

Artificial And Non Artificial Ingredients In Foods Biology Essay

Artificial And Non Artificial Ingredients In Foods Biology Essay The aim of this research is to find out what are the differences between artificial and non artificial additives, and their modern use as well as the safety, benefits of their presence and side effects it might have on the body. As my examples of artificial additives I will discuss the properties of two synthetically obtained chemicals, a sweetner Aspartame and a flavor enhancer Mono sodium glutamate. Compounds vanillin and cinnamaldehyde as examples of natural ingredients. My intended sources of information were websites found on the google search engine, and other links associated with this topic.. First time line for the research was due on 20/02/2013 and it was requested by Joanne mitchel. 2 What are additives and what are they used for Food additives are ingredients added to foods during their manufacturing processes, food additives can also be identified as natural and artificial. Natural or non-artificial are often considered to be of natural origin, and have been used for centuries by people. These natural ingredients were obtained from organic sources such as part of the plants or animals that contained the active compound in them. Methods of obtaining these ingredients and their uses varied as many cultures and regions had their own methods of seasoning and preserving foods. Ingredients obtained synthetically are artificial, these ingredients are often obtained through bacterial fermentation, some artificial additives are simply, separated and concentrated active compounds found in natural ingredients, however synthetically obtained will never be the same as natural. Natural additives such as food dyes, preservatives and spices existed all throughout history, however their methods of preparation were often ver y time consuming and gave very little results, which not everyone could afford. Today the use of natural ingredients and natural ways of preserving foods has been greatly replaced by artificial additives. They can act as preservative to allow food to be eatable for longer, pH regulators to keep the food at its optimal pH, flavor enhancers to sharp the taste of other tastes and some additives can act as a substitute for tastes and flavorous such as sugar. Chemical properties and uses of Aspartame and Mono sodium glutamate Aspartame or E951 and MSG (Mono sodium glutamate) are two artificial ingredients used in the EU in many foods. Aspartame is a white odorless powder and it is very sweet in taste which eventually becomes bitter, chemically aspartame is a methyl ester of two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid, in acidic conditions aspartame will breakdown to its components and also a 3rd dipeptide called aspartyl-phenylalanin, it will also produce methanol as a bi product. MSG is a sodium salt of an amino acid that is known as glutamic acid which is often found naturally in many animal proteins, chemically it is one sodium atom holding two glutamic acids together. Main use of aspartame are its properties that make it sweet in taste, aspartame is also widely used in soft drinks and chewing gums as a substitue for sugar. Although aspartame is not used in all sweetners, chemicals with similar chemcial properties are also used in other products such as confectionary and sweets. MSG is used as a f lavor enhancer, it works best when combined with other flavors. It is generally used in ready meals, processed meats, fast food restaurants and snacks such as crisps and many other, MSG is also used in seasonings and canned soups. Chemical properties and uses of Cinnamon powder and Vanilla oil. Both cinnamon powder and vanilla oil are examples of natural ingredients that can be added to food to increase their taste quality, these ingredients are often less active on the body than their artificial forms, naturally these ingredients have to be prepared from the actual flower or part of the plant that contains the active ingredient found within the part of the plant. Cinnamon powder is grated bark of the cinnamon tree, the active ingredient found in cinnamon is the cinnamaldehyde which gives cinnamon its taste in cinnamon based products. Presence of a compound known as vanillin gives vanilla its smell and taste and it is the active compound that is used in the production of vanilla tasting spices and all vanilla tasting products, however this chemical is obtained both naturally and synthetically. These natural additives are just a fraction of what used to be an everyday spice, even though the active compounds can be produced synthetically. These spices are still produced naturally, and are sold as everyday spices however products such as confectionary that resemble in taste may have been produced artificially. Benefits of presence of additives in food The main benefit of presence of artificial additives in foods is that it is more economically efficient than obtaining and preparation of natural additives, especially in additives that are used as food dyes, preservatives, pH regulators and flavourings, flavour enhancers and emulsifiers. Naturally preservatives would be just a matter of preserving the food keeping it in cool conditions but even that will not give it a long lasting date of expiration and preservatives can extend that date as well as pH regulators by keeping the food at its optimum pH to preserve its freshness. Sugar substitutes can also be beneficial to people with disorders that excludes sugar from their diet. Some of the properties of certain compounds found within the additives could never be separated out naturally. Possible side effects associated with foods containing natural and artificial additives. Natural additives like vanilla extract and cinnamon powder are non essential to the human body but will digest. The desired active compounds in them will correspond to their function and breakdown to smaller harmless compounds. Side effects that are often associated with consumption of foods containing these ingredients are allergic reactions to compounds found within them. Artificial additives work in similar way, when obtained and prepared it is in its pure form, then it is added during foods manufacturing process. Some artificial additives are synthetically obtained active compounds found in natural ingredients. Some like aspartame were designed using other compounds creating in effect a new compound, aspartame partially breaks down to methanol which is toxic in even small amounts and the more aspartame is consumed the more methanol is produced. Regular consumption of foods and drinks containing aspartame may result in headaches, dizziness, and even vomiting, another biproduct of aspartame is L-phenylanine which by some cannot be consumed as it gives allergic reactions to people sensitive to it. MSG contains glutamic acid that is naturally found in meat proteins, it is non essential but will breakdown and digest, MSG is purely an active compound, the role for glutamic acid in proteins is that it is a building block for muscules and also supports brain function. Foods containing MSG could alter the functions of the brain for the moment of consuming the food and its digestion, over consumption of foods containing these ingredients may cause headaches, bowel distress, acid reflux, indigestion, nausia and fatigue. Long term effects and the impact on society. Natural ingredients added to foods should not be a cause of any physical or mental disabilities, there are always foods in nature that have low toxicity and are considered to be healthy and there are always those more toxic and should be avoided, many natural ingredients and spices were unique to different cultures and regions of the world which were renowned for them as well. It can not be ruled out that compounds found within artificial additives can be considered toxic and be potentially dangerous to the body if excess amounts of foods containing these chemicals are consumed on a regular basis over years. Children can be particularly affected by such foods that it can even be noticed, children require less food so it takes less to see the effects of such foods. Sugar causes hyper activity as well as other sugar based products, there are also concerns that the active compounds found in additives such as MSG can alter the brain chemistry to the point a person will be craving for thi s particular food without understanding that they were actually craving for the ingredient in that food. This might affect children more severely because as they are developing they might become more prone to simply buying these foods over fully nutritional foods that they require. People prone to stress eating will be more likely to want to eat products containing, high sugar content and foods containing richer and stronger flavours, which many additives were designed to simulate. In my opinion it is not worth it to fill foods with ingredients that can be potentially harmful with just having this advantage that they can stay for longer or taste more stronger. The best solution would by minimising the intake of foods containing these chemicals to only required mass their body needs. People in most developed countries are aware of what is in the food they buy and the daily amount required but it still dose not help the growing population of obesity in most countries. It should also b e noted that additives were disqualified from many markets through out their short period of existence because they were considered potentially harmful and those considered vital were always replaced by new. Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Operational Functions and the 4 P’s of Marketing

Lecture 1: Introduction to Marketing Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers† requirements profitability. Peter Drucker ‘there is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer†. At its simplest, if you do not have any customers for the product or service your organization offers, then there is no reason for continuing existence. Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production and the interests of the product ought to be attended to only so far as it may be necessary for promoting those of the customer. The operational functions of marketing: sales promotion, advertising, public relations, selling, financing, buying, forecasting, pricing, standardization, publicity, merchandising, market research, transporting, risk-taking, servicing and stockholding. Elements over which organizations have control and which are used to try to influence customers to choose one particular organization in preference to another are generally termed the marketing mix. External factors in the original marketing mix: customer-buying behavior, trade behavior, competitors† position and behavior, government regulations. Originally there are 12 P†s of marketing but this list is not easy to remember and it should be obvious why Jerome McCarthy condensed the 12 items in Borden†s original marketing mix, into 4 major categories popularized the ‘4 Ps†. The internal variables are therefore loosely grouped together under the headings of: product, price, place (the offer mix), and promotion (the promotional mix). While the ‘4 Ps† is a useful framework, a vigorous debate has taken place over the last decade about the dangers of seeing marketing solely as the control of the ‘4 Ps†. In fact it is a trap that tends to make suppliers forget the needs of customers as well as the importance of a mutually beneficial exchange. There is a suggestion of the addition of three other Ps: Probe (research), Partition (segmentation) and Position. Lecture 2. The Marketing Macro Environment. Both of the parties making an exchange are more likely to consider that the exchange has been beneficial when the exchange has been made within the context of what is known as an Open Market. This is a market which has all of the following characteristics: 1 Single homogeneous product, 2 Many buyers, 3 Many sellers, 4 Buyers and sellers have equal access to all available information relevant to the market. All developed societies have similar regulations to regulate legal trade. It is therefore usual for manufacturing and trading organizations to have to comply with such regulations, which effectively constitute one aspect of the environment in which an exchange takes place. These factors are for this reason referred to as the environmental variables of marketing. These are usually labeled the Economic, Social, Technological and Political variables (STEP). Companies should seek to demonstrate good corporate citizenship by upholding the letter and the spirit of the law, and generally behaving in a responsible and responsive manner. Some markets and trades have developed general voluntary codes of conduct and control, supported and monitored by a central membership body. Medicine for example has long been controlled by strict codes of professional behavior. Governments have developed a body of legislation and enforcement frameworks in respect of industry and trade. In particular, the following areas of control are of direct concern to business. 1. Legislation in respect of monopoly and competition standards. In the UK it†s done through the Office of Fair Trading and the Monopolies and Mergers Commission. As a full EC member, the UK is also subject to Community provisions in respect of issues: in particular Article 85 of the Treaty of Rome concerns practices hindering competition. 2. Measures to protect consumers, whether as groups, individuals, as users of certain products and services, or particularly as targets for business activities. Relevant legislation has included the Trade Descriptions Act 1973, the Consumer Credit Act 1974, etc. Number of these statutes introduced measures directly relating to marketing practices such as pricing claims, warranties, product quality, etc. The economic environment is a complex network of international, domestic and regional influences and dependencies that shape the market potential facing companies. Company performance itself will depend critically on the quality of preparation and decision making is brought to bear on this potential. The significance of the economic data is that over time they will indicate major economic developments of direct interest to marketers. Such ‘economy-watching† may enable the vigilant company to respond in time to scenarios such as following: 1.Recession. A downturn in economic activity of variable intensity. Usual indicators will be a fall or leveling in GNP, GDP, household income, etc. Rises will be recorded in measures such as stock, unemployment and company bankruptcies. 2.Recovery. The opposite of the above. Marketers in some sectors will benefit from an early upturn in sales. Major upturns in economic activity may result in ‘overheating† with higher costs and prices. 3.Inflation. Rising prices may be associated with buoyant conditions, demand growth and shortages. Economic policies are likely in future to be more directly influenced by multilateral agencies and agreements (UN) and the expansion of common market blocs such as the EC. Culture within any society id the complex of elements that reflect the society†s beliefs and values, preferences and behavioral norms. For marketer it is necessary to understand that culture will vary within and between societies, so those cultural norms may vary between countries, regions and culture groups. Factors, which distinguish a society, change very slowly, as they are the products of family upbringing, the education system, national history and political development, religion, etc. Environmental awareness is an interesting reflection of how society-wide concerns have delivered a powerful message to governments and business leaders. Technology is the touchstone of economic progress, a leading source of competitive advantage commercially and an indispensable part of everyday lifestyle for the modern consumer. To illustrate the competitive force wielded by technology, it is worth observing that many manufactures have been affected by technology developments remote from their own field. Major sectors of the metalworking industry were obsolete by the developments of digital electronics. Eg typewriters. Technological developments decrease the price of production. Technologies have also enabled an increase in the variety of products available to customers. The marketing environment comprises the playing field upon which competitive marketing takes place. Companies need to monitor and decide rational responses to changes in the environment in order to win their colors. There are three types of companies: those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; and those who wonder what happened. Lecture 3: Markets and Market Segmentation. 1.A market is an aggregate of people who as individuals or organizations have needs for products in a particular product class and who have the ability, willingness and the authority to pay. – Consumer – where purchasing is done by private or group of individuals. – Industrial – products and services are bought for one of 3 specific uses: 1- resale, 2- producing other products, 3- products used in general eg administration, computers. 3.Differentiated markets. – Consumer needs are not the same: – homogenous, differentiated. Undifferentiated market – all needs are the same 4.Criteria for effective segmentation – measurable, – economically variable. Geographic – geographic position on the globe. Demographic – basis for the collection of many government statistics and the standard system used by the media industry. Includes age, sex, family cycle, and socioeconomic segmentation.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Creative And Critical Thinking Among Students Education Essay

â€Å" 7,987 directly As in SPM † screamed the headlines of major newspapers when the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia consequences were announced on the 10th of March 2010. The arrested development with academic accomplishments among Malaysians knew no bounds. Every twelvemonth, exhilaration and joy, anxiousness and letdown, pervade among pupils, parents and instructors when the Ministry of Education and Malaysian Examination Board releases the consequences of public scrutinies, be it UPSR, PMR, SPM and STPM. The compulsion with academic accomplishment is dominating all other facets of a holistic instruction system in Malaysia. The Malayan Education Philosophy clearly states that the function of the school course of study is to guarantee the holistic development of the single mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally by leaving general cognition and accomplishments ; cultivating, transfusing and furthering healthy attitudes and recognized moral values. The course of study aims to convey forth the Malayan citizen who is a balanced and all-around person, trained, adept, and cherishes the national aspiration for integrity. Why all the ballyhoo with pupils ‘ academic accomplishments? Harmonizing to Professor Dr. Ray Wilks, Head of the School of Psychology, International Medical University, there is no grounds to demo a positive correlativity between academic accomplishment in scrutiny and acquisition. Learning should non be about go throughing scrutinies. â€Å" We should alternatively make more wonder in kids ‘s acquisition to foster creativeness and innovativeness, † says Professor Dr. Ray Wilks. Indeed, the instruction systems in Malaysia purposes to model persons to go better Malaysians with the right attitudes, and to fit them with the cognition and accomplishments necessary in the 21st century to do Malaysia a developed state by the twelvemonth 2020. To run into the challenges of the 20 first-century and Vision 2020, learning and learning patterns and school direction are invariably reviewed to develop persons who are technologically literate and can lend to a originative and advanced work force. This transmutation will imply altering the school civilization, from one that is preponderantly memory-based to one that stimulates believing, creativeness, and innovativeness. Yet the importance placed on academic accomplishment has earnestly impacted on the ability and efficiency of the Malayan instruction system in developing holistic persons that are able to manage the challenges of life after formal schooling. In fact many a times, newspapers highlighted employers ailments that school departers and even university ‘s alumnuss have jobs discoursing and pass oning efficaciously, allow entirely to believe critically and creatively. In add-on the deficiency of critical and originative thought abilities among Malaysians school departers and university alumnuss has been pinpointed by the Minister of Human Resource, Datuk Dr. S Subramaniam, as one of the chief jobs lending to their low marketability in the occupation market. The deficiency of believing accomplishments among the present and future work force of the state will halter the state ‘s attempts toward accomplishing a developed state position by 2020. What are critical and originative thought? Critical thought is a type of believing that converges on a individual idea or entity. One must form, analyse or measure information, which might besides be broken into parts and taught explicitly. A cognitive procedure complimentary to, but different than critical thought, is originative thought. This believing diverges from a individual idea or entity. One must bring forth, synthesise, happen options, adapt, replacement, or elaborate. Critical and originative thought are the edifice blocks that will do certain our pupils will hold the required thought accomplishments to win in life and at work and guarantee the attainment of Vision 2020. Detractors of attempts to stress critical and originative thought in the course of study have point to the possibility of poorer academic accomplishments as a effect. However, research has shown that when pupils develop their thought accomplishments by looking beyond the obvious, doing originative connexions, developing schemes, doing determinations, be aftering in front and reflecting, they besides improved their academic public presentation. Therefore, stressing critical and originative thought will augment academic accomplishment. How to promote critical and originative thought? One manner is to cut down the accent on the usage summational appraisals such as UPSR, PMR and SPM. Summational appraisals are used for categorising pupils and emphasize the usage of written scrutinies. The UPSR and PMR summational appraisal have deviated from its original intent of naming larning jobs with the purpose of fixing remedial actions to better pupils larning. They are now used to stream kids into categories. In psychological footings, it is bad to label kids. It is positive support for smart kids, as defined by our appraisal system, but non for the kids who do non make good. The tools used in our public scrutinies are picking up all the rote scholars. Professor Dr Ray Wilks says, â€Å" From a psychological point of position, to label a kid of 12 is a sort of life sentence. † He further provinces that experiments have shown that if we tell instructors that a kid is of certain achievement degree, they will learn to th at point. The instructors will non raise their instruction to the following degree for that kid. Alternatively we should promote more formative appraisal in the acquisition environments. Formative appraisal besides called uninterrupted appraisal is a more dependable manner to look at the acquisition procedure. School-based uninterrupted appraisal looks at broader instruction accomplishments, such as communicating, critical and originative thought, and teamwork, instead than merely textbook accomplishments. These accomplishments are assessed by instructors through activities like arguments, play, analyzing issues and undertaking work. Formative appraisals besides provide diagnostic information to enable instructors to help pupils with larning troubles. Furthermore, when there are less public scrutinies, kids can hold more clip to research other involvements such as music and humanistic disciplines that would assist instil creativeness in them. â€Å" I ‘ve ever wanted my kids to larn to play the piano, but they are ever tired after schools and tuition, † says one parent. With less scrutiny, instructors will besides hold more clip to form field trips and jaunts, which will let pupils to be in contact with nature and detect new larning chances for critical and originative thought that may non be present in the schoolroom. Given appropriate chances, kids can prosecute in sophisticated cognitive procedures. Research suggests that either excessively much or excessively small construction can forestall development of critical and originative thought and in the procedure kids are non equipped with active and strategic attacks to larning undertakings. Therefore, appropriate instructional attacks could consequences in pupils heightening their critical and originative thought accomplishments. Three attacks are normally used in the instruction of believing accomplishments: stand-alone attack, submergence attack and embedded attack. Stand-alone attack consists of learning believing accomplishments separate from capable affair content. In this instance a general set of thought accomplishments are identified and taught as a separate class or capable. Students are taught how to reassign the accomplishments to assorted topics and state of affairss. However, believing accomplishments taught in isolation tend to consequences in pupils holding jobs reassigning believing accomplishments to academic or existent universe jobs. The submergence attack does non affect learning believing accomplishments. Rather it allows good thought to develop of course as a consequence of pupils being to the full engaged or immersed in content-related activities which calls for higher degrees of thought. Students are provided with perennial patterns in complex cognitive activities with the premise that they will finally develop the necessary cognitive accomplishments to successfully prosecute in high-ranking thought. However, research has shown that merely plunging pupils in thought activities is non an effectual instructional attack. The embedded attack involves learning believing accomplishments within a subject-matter context. Thinking accomplishments are taught in scientific discipline, societal surveies, linguistic communication, humanistic disciplines, and some other topics. Students than use these accomplishments straight to the peculiar topic being studied. This allows pupils to utilize the accomplishments in a meaningful context and helps them larn the capable affair more profoundly. An embedded attack is an effectual manner to learn believing accomplishments. Rather than an extra topic, believing accomplishments are used to heighten whatever course of study presently being taught. Training instructors in specific instructional attacks means that schools must put in instructors ‘ professional development. Instructional attacks that help instructors incorporate a â€Å" acquisition to believe † constituent into their course of study empower pupils to take duty for bettering their thought and acquisition. Although cognitive development is merely one portion of a kid ‘s overall development, it is indispensable that instructors respond to the community demand for and the kid ‘s right to cognitive competency. Teacher developing suppliers need to go cognizant of the benefits of certain instructional attacks on pupil public presentation and integrated preparation in such attacks in their classs. Therefore, in decision, Malaysia needs to guarantee that its future coevals does non merely execute good academically but should possess the ability to believe critically and creatively. All Malaysians should back up the integrating of critical and originative thought in its educational course of study. It should non merely simply be stated in printed paperss. Affirmative actions should be put in topographic point to guarantee that the instruction and acquisition of critical and originative thought is actualized in the schoolroom context. Lest, Vision 2020 remains a dream and Malaysia will bumble in its ability to accomplish the New Economic Model towards accomplishing 1Malaysia, â€Å" Peoples First, Performance Now † . ( 1497 words )

Thursday, January 2, 2020

What is a Huricane Essay - 1099 Words

In this paper I will talk about what is a hurricane. How they are formed. What time of the year they happen. Inform the reader on the different categories that a hurricane have. Also I will inform about the major hurricanes that happened in the United States. A hurricane or a tropical cyclone is an intense, rotating oceanic weather system that possesses maximum sustained winds exceeding 119 km/hr (74 mph). It forms and intensifies over tropical oceanic regions. Hurricanes are generally smaller than storms in mid-latitudes, typically about 500 km (311 miles) in diameter. At the ocean’s surface, the air spirals inward in a counterclockwise direction. This cyclonic circulation becomes weaker with height, eventually turning into clockwise†¦show more content†¦Warm and moist air from the ocean will begin to rise at rapid rates. As this warm air rises the water vapor condenses to form dark storm clouds and droplets of rain. Surfaces pressures begin to decrease as water vapor condenses and releases latent heat into areas where the tropical disturbance is located. (Latent heat is heat energy that is released during the phase change of water vapor.) This latent heat causes the air to become less dense. The warm air then rises; as i t rises it becomes cooler and expands. That triggers more condensation and releases more latent heat, which allows more air to rise. A chain reaction is now in place. The exchange of the heat from the surface creates a pattern of wind that moves around the center. Then converging winds—which are winds moving in different directions that run into each other—converging winds at the surface collide and then push warm air downward and the moist air upward. The rising air backs up the air that is already rising from the surface. So then, wind speeds of the storm increase. In the meantime, strong winds that are blowing at high speeds and at high altitudes help to remove the hot rising air from the storms center. But if there are wind shears; the storm will weaken. Not all hurricanes are going to be same the same when they arrive. Some will be very weak to totally destruction. There areShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of The World1569 Words   |  7 Pagesevil and beyond the control or cause of man. I do not think of these type of events as being evil in of themselves, but to say man has no part in them is incorrect. Who build the road and drove the car? These things occurred by the actions of man. Huricanes and earthquakes may well be part of the earth’s natural cycles and man is simply caught in them as a result of the fall. God being fully aware of the course mankind would follow created a good and perfect world as a demonstration of His love forRead MoreEssay on Fema4227 Words   |  17 PagesCharlie, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne. FEMA and other federal aid were on time and effective. President Bush gave personal attention to victims. It has even been speculated that this treatment won Florida for President Bush in his re-election run. So what happened? The complete catastrophe that was Hurricane Katrina is well known by all. Virtually everything that could’ve gone wrong with emergency aid did, and blame has been passed all around between all levels of government. There are accusationsRead MoreHow Sm Jaleel Went Global12239 Words   |  49 PagesMay, 2005 Preface The conceptual framework for this document is the result of a partnership approach between public sector agencies and the private sector. It attempts, within the context of the 2020 VISION for national development, to outline what must be done – given the current national, regional, and global situation - and seeks to make the most of the strengths and opportunities of the Food and Beverage Processing Industry while minimising the weaknesses and eliminating or reducing the threats