Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Mexican Americans Perspectives on Death and Dying Essay
Mexican Americans: Death and Dying Hispanics are the fastest growing minority in the United States, and the majority of them are Mexican in origin (Kemp, 2001). The Roman Catholic Church plays a vital role in the culture and daily life of many Mexican Americans. Consequently, healthcare personnel must become culturally competent in dealing with the different beliefs possessed by these individuals. Nurses must have the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver care that is congruent with the patient’s cultural beliefs and practices (Kearney-Nunnery, 2010). The ways that a nurse cares for a Mexican American patient during the process of dying or at the critical time of death is especially important. The purpose of this paper is to examine†¦show more content†¦Multiple family members gather together to give care to the loved one from far and near. The father or the oldest male relative holds the greatest power in most families to make health-related decisions for an ill loved one. Family members feel responsible for bathing, changing, and feeding their loved one daily even during hospital stays (Taxis, 2008). In addition, prayer and ritual are also critical components of the dying process. Family members may pray with the patient at the bedside, at a home altar, or at church. At times, candles are kept lit for 24 hours a day as a symbol of continuous worship. Clergy members may visit to offer spiritual support. As the ill loved one approaches death, the sacrament of anointing of the sick is administered by a priest or lay member (Kemp, 2001). Mexican American families use religious beliefs in the afterlife to help them cope with this emotional process. When death occurs, Mexican Americans are not uncomfortable with the presence of the body of a loved one. Frequently, family members desire to assist with cleaning and arranging the body before the funeral. However, the most important part of this process is to ensure that the body is shown respect b y everyone involved. Although autopsy and organ donation are allowed in Mexican American culture, many families prefer that neither occur. Also, stoicism is no longer expected at the funeral;Show MoreRelatedRacism: The Root Of All Evil1022 Words  | 5 Pagespeople of color or of different beliefs. In the United States, Native Americans, the indigenous people, were the first to experience this violence, followed by black Africans, and later to various degrees, other people of color as they immigrated to the United States (Ponds, 23). Thousands of Latin-Americans immigrate to the United States every year. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay about Why Do Juveniles Do Bad Things - 842 Words
There are many individual-level variables that can explain why juveniles become involved in delinquent acts. One important variable that plays a major role in this is the major affect that family context has on the role of child development. More specifically, the idea of child abuse comes into play that has always been researched and focused on as a major part as to why some juveniles become involved in delinquent acts. Child abuse involves important family characteristics that affect the growth of a child and will ultimately damage them both physically and mentally. If a child is damaged at a young age, then they way they think and perceive the world changes, especially if help is not given to them in their time of need. Child abuse is a†¦show more content†¦With this problem of substance abuse, this will affect their state of mind even more and will cause them to act out and think differently than those children who have not been abused. All of these issues affect their m ental state of mind and will ultimately affect their judgment and whether or not they become seriously involved in delinquent acts or not. To further discuss how child physical abuse plays a major role in juvenile delinquency, Kerig, Ward, Vanderzee, Moeddel (2009) researched the traumas between juvenile offenders and how physical abuse affected their lives and caused them to be placed into correctional facilities. Kerig et al. (2009) stated that child physical abuse most commonly comes from a child’s caregiver. As this plays an important role in the outcome of a child’s mental state, it is important to realize that abuse in the home can have major negative impacts on a child’s mental state and will affect how they live their life and how they make the decisions, distinguishing between right and wrong. Kerig et al. (2009) state that child physical abuse can ultimately lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and will affect a child’s judgment and affect th e course of their life. Included in this chronic trauma, children will result with symptoms such as guilt, impaired relationships, and disassociation. With theseShow MoreRelatedWhy Juveniles Should Be Legal1649 Words  | 7 Pagesany kind of human being, crimes are committed everyday by people who look like a bad influence or others that look innocent walking down the streets who have never committed a crime before. Juveniles ages 7-15 should not be sentenced to life without parole for crimes they commit because it would not be fair for them to spend the rest of their lives in jail for committing a mistake. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Fiction Production For Moving Image Documentary
Question: Describe about the Fiction Production For Moving Image? Answer: Introduction: This discussion aims to discuss the genre of fictional film. Fiction film or narrative film refers to a film that mainly tells a full story or an event. The fictional film convinces the audience to unfold the fiction into real situation. History of fiction film: Arrival of a train by August Lumiere was the first fiction film. However, in the year of 1500, Leonardo Da Vinci developed the camera obscura that is useful for observing a movable image. Thereafter, Da Vinci had presented The magic Lantern, a drawing that also had presented an idea of moving image. At that time, people were eager to watch that type of moving image. However, Lumiere brothers were the pioneer in the field of moving image. They also did a pioneering activity within the field of fiction film. They had taken the initiative to tell a story to the audience. Audience received cinematic experience while observing the pieces of invention of Lumiere. This fiction piece had provided fictional experience to the large group of audience. The audience at that era was very much excited about this innovation. In 1902, George Melies had made one science fiction film, called A trip to the moon. This film was based on two novels of that era. From the Earth to the moon by Jules Verne and The First Men by H.G Wells had inspired the director of this film. In this era, several documentary type fictional films had been made by some eminent film directors of this era. Edwin Stanton Porter made some important films in this era. The great Train Robbery and American Fireman were two groundbreaking films of that era. These films had been made by different variety of scenes. Several techniques of cross cutting, cut, wipe, fade in and fade out had been used by the director. These films got successful reception among the audience. American stalwarts of film DW Griffith made a pioneering fiction film The Birth of a nation; this film was very lengthy. This film told a whole story to the audiences. Development of fictional production: According to (), first mechanical system of television had been invented in the year 1906. In this era, film has started to tell the real story of society as well as political and civil situation of the world. In 1922, Robert Flaherty made the first documentary film within the world of cinema. He made his revolutionary film Nanook of the North in this year by doing shooting in extreme north of the America. This film had been made with the real example of the lives of Nanook. However, in the year of 1927, Walt Disney was been created. They invented some cartoon characters for providing comic entertainment to the audience. In 1930 and 1940, the television production had been dominated by the projection of war of different countries within the world. Conclusion: The history as well as development of feature film is never ending aspect of the cinema. There are several technique of film making like neo realism, new wave production of films and televisions. These techniques had provided positive impact upon the innovation of new technique and process within the era of films. Reference list Barnouw, E, Documentary. in , New York, Oxford University Press, 1993. Han, D, 'Copyrighting Media Labor and Production: A Case of Chinese Television'. in Television New Media, 13, 2011, 283-306. Lee, D, 'The Ethics of Insecurity: Risk, Individualization and Value in British Independent Television Production'. in Television New Media, 13, 2011, 480-497. Lucia, C, R Grundmann, A Simon, The Wiley-Blackwell history of American film. in , Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. E Barnouw,Documentary, in , New York, Oxford University Press, 1993. D Lee, 'The Ethics of Insecurity: Risk, Individualization and Value in British Independent Television Production', inTelevision New Media, vol. 13, 2011, 480-497. D Han, 'Copyrighting Media Labor and Production: A Case of Chinese Television', inTelevision New Media, vol. 13, 2011, 283-306. C Lucia, R Grundmann A Simon,The Wiley-Blackwell history of American film, in , Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Research Methodology Concept
Introduction to Background of Research Methodology Research Methodology is a structure or plan for the study that directs the entire process of data collection and analysis of data. Research can be defined as a scientific mode of solving problems through adopting logical steps.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Research Methodology Concept specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Research methodology is valuable in explaining the process and product of scientific inquiry. Research methodology uses scientific tools to describe and analyze methods, shed light on their limitations and clarifies their presuppositions and consequences. Research Design This is an exploratory research. Data collection will involve the use of questionnaires. Questionnaires will contain both close ended and Likert scale questions. Data obtained through the questionnaires will be qualitative. Qualitative methods offer an enhanced perception of the research problem through analyzing the first person experience, thus require only a small sample size to generate an accurate result. Another merit of qualitative design is that it uses more flexible tools and an iterative technique of obtaining and classifying answers to questions. On the other hand, qualitative analysis has several shortcomings. First, it may be difficult to compare responses, due to its nature of flexibility and use of open-ended questions. Second, qualitative analysis may be subject to bias, since the researcher uses his own judgments to categorize data. In this study, we decided to use qualitative research design because the study seeks to explore the underlying structure of employees’ justice perceptions in the context of their organizations’ performance appraisal practices. However, quantitative methods will obtain use together with qualitative methods in analyzing collected data. Sampling The population for this study will be from diffe rent levels of employees at ADNOC Company and Ministry of Education. These two Companies provide two various services, one is oil production and the other is an educational service in UAE. The study will require a sample of 200employees from both Companies in order to participate in this study. Random sampling will obtain use in selecting 100employees from each of these companies. This study will rely on these two companies so as to ensure that employees from different diversities and with diverse experiences obtain selection for reliability of collected data.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Method Type This study will use quantitative research methods in analyzing qualitative data. Quantitative research can be defined as conversion of empirical statements to numeric form for easier analysis (Cohen, 1980). Similarly, Creswell (1994) defines quantitative research as a form of research that seeks to explain trends through gathering numerical data which should be analyzed using statistical methods. Quantitative methods have several advantages. First, they can analyze vast amounts of data by converting them into numeric form. Also, quantitative methods are more reliable than qualitative methods as they employ scientific methods which are not prone to bias. This study will use quantitative methods of research in order to ease analysis of empirical statements. This is because this study will collect data from a broad sample. In particular, the study will use SPSS statistical tool for analysis. Questionnaire Design This is both a qualitative and a quantitative research. Data collection will involve the use of questionnaires. Questionnaires will contain two parts. The first part, labeled Part A will seek to establish personal information about the employees and will obtain confidential treatment in order to protect the identity of respondents. The second part, labeled Part B will contain graphic rating scale questions with 5 options using Likert scale (1. Completely Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Fairly Agree 4. Agree 5. Completely Agree). Each variable will obtain representation by a single item. Instrument to Present Data Instruments refer to tools used in data collection. These instruments must be chosen carefully, since they can reduce work and time when structured well. The proposed study will make use of questionnaires to collect data from respondents. The study will also use SPSS to analyze results. Proper tabulation will be necessary for effective application of the SPSS tool. Pilot Study The purpose of the pilot test will be to test the credibility of the survey. We will choose 20 respondents comprising 10 from each company to participate in the pilot survey. This test is essential as it will enable the researcher to realize some obstacles that employees may face while answering the survey questions. In case of any problems and errors, questions should be corrected until the survey becomes suitable.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Research Methodology Concept specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other, if these questions do not need rectification, they should be employed for the main sample of 200, and pilot test sample should be integrated in the main sample. Besides, the pilot test will help the researcher to estimate the amount of time that the main sample might require to complete the survey. Research Steps and Procedures Studying the organization where we want to apply this research strategy. Setting up objectives of the research. Constructing a questionnaire that relates to the purpose of the study. Conducting the study across various echelons of employees at two organizations including the ADNOC and Ministry of Education. Coordinating with the companies’ public relation department in order to assess respondents and g et questionnaires and get completed. Collected data will obtain tabulation according to requirements of SPSS in order to aid analysis. Feeding collected data into SPSS which we shall use in analyzing data. Also, the collected data obtain categorization and display through charts and bar graphs. Creating a report on findings of the study. Analyzing and interpreting collected data. Establishing a conclusion of the study from obtained results. Comparing conclusions obtained from the study with a few other studies in order to find out any consistencies and differences. Making some suggestions and recommendations derived from the study. Questionnaire Procedure Participants will obtain questionnaires. Respondents will provide answers to both closed and Likert scale questions. The sample will undergo the interview process at different days of the week and different times, in order to obtain impartial data. The timings will obtain announcement after the pre-test takes place. Data Analysis and Interpretation Data for analysis will derive from responses in the questionnaires. Data analysis will integrate both qualitative and quantitative techniques of data analysis. The first step in qualitative analysis of data will be data reduction. This is the process of choosing, focusing, abridging, conceptualizing, and converting the data obtained from fieldwork. Subsequent to examination, data will obtain coding for easier retrieval based on how each data set helps meet the research objectives. Coding will involve demarcation of different segments in the data collected. At the same time, quantitative methods will obtain use in analyzing descriptive statistics obtained from the Likert scales. SPSS will obtain use in analyzing results. References Cohen, L. (1980). Research methods in education. London, England : Groom Helm Ltd. Creswell, J.W. (1994). Research design: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. London, England: Sage Publications.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Patton, M. Q. (1990). Qualitative evaluation and research methods. Los Angeles, California: University of California. Appendix. Questionnaire This questionnaire is designed to seek your feedback on the justice perceptions in the context of your organizations’ performance appraisal. The study is part of the project work done in partial fulfillment of students’ course work for human resources at ADU. All your responses will remain confidential. It will take 20 minutes to fill out this questionnaire, but each response will add value to this project. Hence, please take your time to complete this questionnaire. Part A: Personal Information Gender Male Female Age 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 Over 61 Education Undergraduate Graduate Post graduate Other Rank Employee Senior employee Manager Director General manager and above Organization Trading Merchandise Service Manufacturing Other Duration you have worked for this organization Less than a year 1-3 years 4-6 yea rs 7-10 years More than 10 years Part B: Other Questions Question 1. Completely Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Fairly Agree 4. Agree 5. Completely Agree Procedural justice 1. Does the person entrusted with the task of performance evaluations in your Company boast the right qualifications? 2. You’re your organization require that standards be set before the start of a reporting period? 3. Does your assessor understand the requirements and constraints of your work? Distributive justice 1. Does your performance appraisal reflect how much work you do? 2. Is there a process for you to appeal for appraisal at any time? 3. Do your performance appraisals reflect on your efforts and responsibilities at work? Interpersonal justice 1. Does your company ensure that your performance standards obtain change if what you do at work changes? 2. Does your performance appraisal reflect how much work you do? 3. Do you think your rating is a result of your rater applying standards consistently without pressure, corruption, or prejudice? Informational justice 1. Does your rater explain to you the standards that he or she uses to evaluate your work and how you can improve on performance? 2. Does your rater frequently give you feedback relevant to the things you do at work? 3. Does your rater give you the rating you earn even when it might upset you? Employee satisfaction 1. Does your rater frequently let you know how you are doing? 2. Does your rater review with you the progress towards your goals? 3. Does your performance appraisal reflect how well you do your work? Self worth 1. 1To what extent do you agree that your rater treats you with dignity? 2. Is your rater always sensitive to your feelings? 3. Does your rater treat you with kindness? Citizenship 1. Do you feel more affiliated to the organization after ratings? 2. Does your rater take time to explain decisions that concern you? 3. Does the organization involve you in making decisions about the rating process? Leadership 1. Does your rater help you to understand the process used to evaluate your performance? 2. Does your rater give you a chance to question how you should meet your work objectives? 3. Does your company have procedures that allow you to help set the standards used to evaluate your performance? Extraversion 1. Does your rater show concern for your rights? 2. Does your rater make hurtful statements about you? 3. Does your rater invade your privacy? Agreeableness 1. Is there a room for changing your performance appraisal if you can show that it is incorrect or unfair? 2. Does your company have procedures that allow you to help set the standards used to evaluate your performance? 3. Does your rater give you real examples to justify his or her appraisal of your work? This research paper on Research Methodology Concept was written and submitted by user Raquel Wilder to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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