Saturday, May 23, 2020
Slavery And The American Civil War - 1125 Words
Sanjani Prodduturu Slavery and Civil War Throughout history, it has been commonly misconceived that slavery and the abolishment of slavery has been the sole cause of the American Civil War. Whereas the institution of slavery has been a major cause of the war, the differences in ideologies and beliefs between the North and the South also play a role in the origins of the Civil War. The origins of the Civil War can also be attributed to the political, economical, social, and cultural differences between the North and South during the 1800s. The Cornerstone Speech by Alexander Stephens, Vice President of Confederacy, and the Nast’s cartoon of President Lincoln’s inaugural allow historians to gain a deeper understanding about the causes of the Civil War, and also allow historians to learn how the differences between the North and South led to the Civil War. The ideological differences between the North and the South ultimately led to the succession of the Southern States and the formation of the Confederacy. The differences and conflict between the North and South were too great and couldn’t be amended. The Cornerstone Speech by Alexander Stephens, Vice President of Confederacy, at Savannah, is frequently considered to be one of the greatest speeches associated with the Confederacy. The Cornerstone speech has historical significance today because it explains the essential â€Å"cornerstone†ideologies of the Confederacy, and the fundamental differences between the United States andShow MoreRelatedSlavery And The American Civil War948 Words  | 4 Pages Slavery and the American Civil War By Adam Overman History 101 Professor Brett F. Woods June 14th, 2015 The American Civil War is also referred to as the war between the Northern and Southern States or the Rebellion War that began in 1861. Slavery was regarded as the main cause leading to the start of the war, as a high level of discrimination against the African Americans existed upon their arrival in the United States. The African Americans were either sold and traded by the eldersRead MoreSlavery And The American Civil War3525 Words  | 15 Pagescauses (1800s-1850s) of the American Civil War was Manifest Destiny and the United States acquiring of new territory. As of 1846 the United States had determined the status of slavery in all parts of the U.S. through either state law or the Louisiana Purchase (pg. 378). When the U.S. went to Mexico and gained all new territory, it reopened the controversy over the expansion of slavery. Solutions arose, like the Wilmot Proviso and Free Soil Appeal, which both prohibited slavery in the new territories acquiredRead MoreSlavery And The Amer ican Civil War1626 Words  | 7 Pages began as a slave society. Slavery or the legal or economic system under which people are treated as property sprouted in the 1600s when African Americans were brought to Jamestown, Virginia to aid in the production of tobacco. Because we have studied multiple cases dealing with slavery, I was interested in unearthing whether there is a lingering effect today. Slavery was the terrible price that Africans paid to come to America. Europeans turned to African Americans as a cheaper, more plentifulRead MoreSlavery And The American Civil War2377 Words  | 10 PagesSlavery has been a part of the United States since the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of crops (Slavery in America, 2014, p. 1). Slavery was practiced throughout the American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries, and African-American slaves helped build the fiscal grounds of the new nation (Slavery in America, 2014, p. 1). By the mid-1800s, the westward expansion, along with the abolition movement in theRead MoreSlavery Was The American Civil War1403 Words  | 6 PagesSlavery had an enormous impact economically and socially on America in the nineteenth century. First of all, producing and selling cotton affected America’s economy greatly. Secondly, slaves didn’t get paid any recurring fees like most citizens would have. Thirdly, the south was so deeply rooted in agriculture that it limited industrial growth which may have made more profit. Fourth, America’s economy was significantly influenced by the American Civil War, which was instigated because of slaveryRead MoreSlavery and the American Civil War Essay1226 Words  | 5 PagesSlavery â€Å"War is at best barbarism†¦.Its glory is all moonshine†¦.War is hell. (Union General William Tecumseh Sherman) A wise quote by an even wiser man, The Civil War was agreed a â€Å"hell†. For four years (1862-1865) a war was fought between both Northern Union states and Southern Confederate states over the matter of slavery. During this time period many changes were happening in the United States; the election of an anti-slavery president, Southern states trying to secede to become their own independentRead MoreAmerican Antebellum Slavery And The Civil War1949 Words  | 8 Pagesleave out of consideration.†Two key terms to understand when talking about American antebellum slavery. One might put their soul at ease by the enduring thought that southern slaves were treated amicably; however, this is not the truth. Slave holders and their apologist alike wanted their fellow citizens to feel as though their slaves were conditioned to superior treatment and c onditions. Eliding that free black life and slavery were synonymous...This could not be portrayed more inaccurately. Ira BerlinRead MoreSouthern Slavery and the American Civil War Essay1667 Words  | 7 Pageschange in the American system of equality. They fought for the cause they believe in: no one should be excessively wealthier than another person, and every American should have equal economic opportunity. This movement spread throughout the country with people captivated by the exuberance that fills these protests. This same passion that continues to fill these protesters once filled every American. However, in this instance Americans had enthusiastic, but opposing viewpoints about slavery. The NorthRead MoreSlavery as the Cause of the American Civil War Essay1733 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Civil War was the bloodiest military conflict in American history leaving over 500 thousand dead and over 300 thousand wounded (Roark 543-543). One might ask, what caused such internal tension within the most powerful nation in the world? During the nineteenth century, America was an infant nati on, but toppling the entire world with its social, political, and economic innovations. In addition, immigrants were migrating from their native land to live the American dream (Roark 405-407)Read MoreAbraham Lincoln, Slavery and the American Civil War Essay1716 Words  | 7 Pageswill analyze how Abraham Lincolns view on slavery reflected during and after the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865. To analyze exactly how Lincolns position on slavery affected the war overall, this investigation looks at Lincolns moral and religious views as well as his social and political views. Two main sources were used, both dealing with events relevant to his political career and his roots in his career and other important issues including slavery. Lincoln by David Herbert Donald tells a
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Why Do We Sleep Essay - 618 Words
â€Å"Why do we sleep?†is a very popular questions that many humans ask today. Sleep is very sufficient to the human body. If it was not important, then God would not have designed for a third of our life to be occupied by sleep. During this time period, many people are interested to know what is a good amount of sleep and what are the harmful effects to not getting enough sleep. The question â€Å"why do we sleep?†is a very difficult question to answer. One way to think about why sleep is important is looking at sleep as if it was food. Food helps us feel better and also helps the human body function properly.There are many different assumptions on why we sleep.The first is that sleeping allows the body to repair cells damaged by metabolic†¦show more content†¦Some people can be fully energized off of 7 hours of sleep, while other may need 9 quality hours of sleep. Many other factors such as pregnancy,aging,previous sleep deprivation and sleep quality can also affect how many hours of sleep you need. In order to get the amount of sleep you need, you must make sleeping a priority! If an activity is interfering with your sleeping, then you should put that activity on pause. There are various negative effects to not getting enough sleep at night. Weight gain is one negative affect of not getting sleep. If youve been getting less the seven hours of sleep daily then you might notice you waistline expanding. The body has a hard time processing the protein leptin which regulates the metabolism. When your metabolism is slow and you food craving increases, it is very easy to gain weight. Not getting enough sleep can also cause stress. If you are up at night thinking about problems and different situations, you can get really mess up your sleeping habits and be even more stressed.Sleep deprivation can also cause you to have a weak immune system.If you can sleep, it is very possible for you to be catching illnesses such as a cold or the flu. Not getting the sleep, makes it tougher for you body to fight off bacteria and viruses. One of the worst cons of not getting enough sleep is impaired memory and brain function.Sleep deprivation can impair many functions of the brain, including how it processes information and how you think, makeShow MoreRelatedWhy Do We Sleep?1227 Words  | 5 PagesEvery day I wake up and every night I sleep. My curiosity always wanted to know why do we have to sleep? Some say that we sleep because we do it for energy. However, I never understood that because food and nutrients give us energy. So won’t that mean as long as we are always getting food and nutrients, we will have energy? That really perplexed me. I felt like the energy reason was not sufficient enough. However, I do know that when we sleep it gives our body time to recover. That is plausible,Read MoreWhy Do We Sleep?1540 Words  | 7 PagesWhy do we sleep? As we all know, one third of our life is spent to sleep, but very few people intend to lay bare the secret of that. There would be a question: why do we sleep? According to the video The Function of Sleep, Tyson states that people are not very clear about the purpose of sleep, but some researchers believe that sleep could enhance memory. MIT researcher Matthew Wilson also illustrates the thoughts of a rat can be read by implanted the electric wire into its brain. According toRead MoreWhy Do We Need Sleep?1713 Words  | 7 PagesWhy Do We Need Sleep? Typed By: Miracle Taylor Regulating sleep is something our bodies do that is as natural as eating, drinking, and breathing. This implies that sleeping serves a similar role in our health and well being. Even though it is difficult to answer the question â€Å"Why do we need sleep?†scientists have developed several theories that may explain why we spend a third of our lives sleeping. Comprehending these theories can help expand our appreciation of the functionRead MoreEssay on Sleeps and Dreams: Why Do We Sleep and Dream?741 Words  | 3 Pagesabout the Sleeps and dreams topic. It will be segmented into different parts, but I will first describe the basics of the sleeping and dreaming, why it happens and how. After that I will describe the different types of sleep which are REM (Rapid eye movement) and NON-REM. Other topics that will be discussed are the biological clock, consciousness and alerted, how much sleep does the body need, treatments and problems such as insomnia, sleep apnea and narcolepsy. Firstly, why do we need sleep? Our body’sRead MoreSleep: Why We Need It or Do We? There are many different philosophies on how much sleep the body1200 Words  | 5 PagesSleep: Why We Need It or Do We? There are many different philosophies on how much sleep the body needs or doesn’t need. Sleep has been said to be the body’s way of refueling. It allows the body to restore its mental energy ( The question is how much sleep does the body truly need to function? One theory pertaining to sleep is that if your body has a lack of sleep it would just adapt to less sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause us to lose our agility, cognitive, and immune responsesRead MoreThe Theory, The Energy Conservation Theory1419 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: what is sleep: Sleeping is something that most creatures of the animal kingdom have in common. A period of time where the body seemingly ceases to function. The average human is supposed to sleep 7-8 hours a day, and although this varies from species to species, the core function stays the same.The dictionary definition of sleep is â€Å"the natural state of rest during which your eyes are closed and you become unconscious†.(Sleep, n.d.) Although it seems like nothing is happening whenRead MoreThe Human Body And Body Needs Sleep835 Words  | 4 PagesTo Sleep. Everyone knows the human body needs sleep. For some people, sleep is what they enjoy most, but why do human beings need sleep? Why is the urge to collapse into the warm safety of our beds so tempting? Why are we so grumpy when we don’t get enough sleep? Sleeping isn’t only relaxing but it is also helpful to your brain and body. â€Å"We have to sleep because it is essential to maintaining normal levels of cognitive skills such as speech, memory, innovative and flexible thinking. Sleep alsoRead MoreDreaming Is Something We ve All Experienced While Sleeping1565 Words  | 7 Pagesreality. We all experience dreams that range from the pleasant and the not so pleasant or nightmares. Dreaming is still largely a mystery to science, as experiments are conducted to figure out why we dream and how dreams function. We do know one thing for sure, that everyone dreams unless in the rare case they are prevented by meditation or a brain injury. Dreams occur in two states; REM sleep and non-REM sleep which are very different and give the dreamer different sensations. In REM sleep our dreamsRead More Sleep, Dreams, and Our Mental and Physical Processes Essay1671 Words  | 7 PagesSleep, Dreams, and Our Mental and Physical Processes Scientists have been researching and conducting studies to discover the true meaning of sleep and dreams. Scientists have developed a few theories on whether we sleep and dream to build up our mental or physical energy. According to the author of an article in Encarta Encyclopedia, Siegel defined sleep as the natural state of rest characterized by reduced body movement and decreased awareness of surroundings (Siegel). In an article onRead MoreWhy Do We Have Dreams?790 Words  | 3 Pagesreason behind dreaming has still not been scientifically proven, but there are many theories and religious beliefs as to why people dream at night. Theorists, such as Sigmund Frued, devoted their time to peoples dreams and observing them while they dream and sleep. These scientists have discovered that people are most likely to dream during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep than any other stage because the mind is more aware then. There are theories that say that dreaming can predict the future
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
College Student Stress Coping Free Essays
College students facing academic, social, and other stresses such as finances and how to cope with them. The most common stress most college students face is the stress from the work load that is common in a higher education system. This is the major challenge, and you will be facing without the close guidance you may have previously enjoyed from a teacher or parent; Social stress seems to be more prominent with underclassmen leaving home and there support structure from home but can affect any college student. We will write a custom essay sample on College Student Stress Coping or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most students find that the number one cause of stress for them is financially trying to juggle a full load, and work full time to support yourself and for other students pay for school. Academic stress seems to be what cause the biggest problem for most students. There are some things you can do if you would like to lower your stress level and make student life better. First thing you should do is get the right information from the very beginning. How many lectures, seminars or laboratory sessions are you supposed to be attending? With your assignments make sure you know exactly what you are being asked to do? How many words you’re expected to write and what the deadline is for handing it in. Also try to set up your own space for academic’s to make it easier to focus and concentrate, if you have a noisy roommate try to find a place in the library or even a local coffee shop to frequent. These suggestions will help lower your academics stress which will make life easier for the college student. Social stress for college students is something else that is very common especially in new college students. Most social stress comes from trying to fit it or even trying to create a new social network because in most case’s this is the first time away from home and away from your entire support structure and comfort zone. With social stress one of the most important things to remember is to try and stay involved in different activities at school and get involved with different organizations on campus to meet new people. When getting involved with the organization’s on campus you’ll meet new friends and become more socially outgoing which will help greatly with social stress. Reducing the amount of social stress in college students, will lead to a more enjoyable and positive experience. Financial stress tends to be tohe root of most students problems whether it’s from overspending, lack of proper guidance, peer pressure, inexperience or many other factors. As a result just about everyone is bogged down with large debts increasing day by day. As students many have tried different things to cut down expense but still no luck. There are many ways to help lift the financial stress for college students like taking federal or private loans, grants and scholarships, and working during the summer vacation. By taking federal or private loans you get to choose the best one that is suitable for your need, if you decide to go for a private one then do enough research to make sure you’re not at a loss and end up paying more instead of benefitting from it. Grants and scholarships are another great ideas because these will help lift the burden of some financial stress. When applying for grants and scholarships keep in mind these are offered free by federal organizations for the benefit of students. Make sure to take advantage of the situation but you have to prove worthy for these aids. Getting summer jobs will also help lift some of that financial stress because you can do it in your off time and not stress with studying or school work but catch up and save some money! The best ways for college students to cope with the stress of being away from home, social stress, and financial stress. Academic stress seems to be one of the most common among students. Most college students find that the added freedom of being away from the structure at home and the more difficult classes to be extremely stressful. Just remember try and create your own space for studying with a desk and a quiet place, if you have a noisy roommate find a nice place in the library or a nice local coffee shop to visit. Social stress also seems to be a major problem with college students. Trying to fit in and make new friends after leaving there comfort zone and support structure can be difficult. When starting at college try and get involved in activities to get you out and have a good time. Another great thing to do is get into some organizations to help meet new people and even become more outgoing to make the college experience more fun and less stress. Financial stress seems to be the biggest burden for college students trying to survive on your own and worrying about how you will pay for chool. Remember federal and private loans are a great way to lift stress off you but just do your research and find the one that will work best for your needs. Grants and scholarships are the best thing for most students because they are offered for free from federal organizations but you must prove yourself for these aids Summer jobs are great for students who want to make a little extra cash on the side and lift the stress and worry of college off their mind. B y following some of these tips you are sure to reduce some stress in your everyday college life. How to cite College Student Stress Coping, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Medical Science
Question: How essay focus on the use of artificial intelligence in the field medical science? Answer: The essay focuses on the use of artificial intelligence in the field medical science and the possible threats it might possess to the human kind through the big picture approach and adhere to the ethical aspect of the matter. Artificial intelligence is a term coined by John McCarthy, which is related to science and refers to intelligent agents that imitate the human gestures and rationale thinking of human in a given environment. Artificial intelligence has achieved specialisation in the following fields- computers that comprehend human languages, programs that can take a human like decision in real life situation and games which allow humans to play against computers (Nilsson, 2014). Though artificial intelligence has evolved and come long ways since the term was coined yet, there are ethical issues arises when artificial intelligence encroach the territory of the better judgment of the doctors or specialists in the field of medicine. Researchers are working day in day out to increase the efficiency of the artificial intelligence in all the fields and have achieved extraordinary consequences. Artificial intelligence has been designed to assist the doctors in reducing the mortality in cases patients awaiting medical assistance from the specialists. The neural network of brain is efficiently imitated by the artificial intelligence resulting in accurate diagnosis of some diseases through the analysis of the diagnostic criteria and spectral information (Fieschi, 2013). The Da Vinci Si HD Surgical System has already created waves with surgical robotics. Such robots are used in delivering minor incisions, reducing the pain of the patient and minimizing the need for medication and reducing hospital stay consequently diminishing the burden of cost of medication. Modernising medicine is a web based treasury of medical insight and information. It helps doctors to search for alternative drug required for particular disorder or medical condition by the database regarding previous medical cases and their remedial medicine. It's a seamless way to decide on the drugs that need to prescribe by the doctor (Bennett Hauser, 2013). The database is huge and includes all the medical details of patients and the treatment they went through prescribed by the doctors. These are homegrown systems in which a medical college of university stores up their data and through the artificial intelligence derives the assistance in the form of suggestions regarding medicines and the treatment that the patient should undergo. This is a revolutionary technology for the doctors as it reduces the diagnosis time and the time required for the doctor to come up with the drug to be prescribed. Through the naked eyes the benefits artificial intelligence provides looks tantalising but through the lens of ethics and morality it become compelling to draw the line between recommending a suggestion to the doctor and making a decision on its own without the final call of the doctor has to be drawn. The benefits cited above are path breaking and deserves appreciation but the implementation of the technology during an operation or surgery without the presence of a doctor still sounds dangerous and risky. Several factors might hinder the efficient performance of the artificial intelligence. The major issue is that the medical databases are not centralised that means if special case arises which might have happened in one part of the world might not have been passed on to the other part of the world. The database has been continuously updated. The lack of the centralised system would hinder the accurate diagnosis and remedy for the special cases (Cohen Feigenbaum, 2014). However, a doctor with his better judgment might have held the treatment and ask for assistance from fellow or senior doctors and come to conclusion. The artificial intelligence might have become intelligent but they still lack the human emotions that highly guide the thought process and instincts of the doctor. The major aspect that surpasses the benefits of the artificial intelligence is the reliability on the dependency on technology that lacks the compassion and subtle sensitiveness that a living doctor would possess while tending a patient that affect the confidence of the patient. What if the technology fails to operate due to technical error: what if the system crashes and consequently the robot create an incision on the wrong side of the body: what if the database falls short and suggests a wrong medicine for the patient. These question needs to address while dealing with the artificial intelligence as no matter how intelligent the technology has become artificially it has not surpassed the natural human intelligence. References Bennett, C. C., Hauser, K. (2013). Artificial intelligence framework for simulating clinical decision-making: A Markov decision process approach. Artificial intelligence in medicine, 57(1), 9-19. Cohen, P. R., Feigenbaum, E. A. (Eds.). (2014). The handbook of artificial intelligence (Vol. 3). Butterworth-Heinemann. Fieschi, M. (2013). Artificial intelligence in medicine: Expert systems. Springer. Nilsson, N. J. (2014). Principles of artificial intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann.
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